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Association of Hungarian Automotive Suppliers – MAJOSZ (Hungary)

The aim of the Association of Hungarian Automotive Suppliers (MAJOSZ) is to represent, support and connect domestic automotive suppliers, service providers and R&D development suppliers at national and international level in order to improve the competitiveness of our local manufacturers. They provide information on the main trends, future programmes and development plans, and bring companies together by organising various events. They help their members to expand their business potential by providing information and connecting them with relevant businesses.

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Automobilski Klaster Srbije (Serbia)

Serbian Automotive Cluster – AC Serbia network includes Serbian companies and institutions that are producing automotive parts and components, respectively providing services in the automotive sector. Connecting business and networking of scientific, development and public institutions will help in creating synergies and launching joint development projects, in reaching the level of quality and creating a recognizable brand. This will also contribute to international competitiveness strengthening of our members

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Cluster Aerospace Technologies, Research and Applications CASTRA (Bulgaria)

Cluster  Aerospace Technologies, Research and Applications” (CASTRA) is the  Bulgarian  technology -driven consortia of SMEs, Academia and other professional and public  bodies with expertise , interests and  capacity to  collaborate and jointly develop and commercialize  industrial  technologies, products and services in the space, UAV and related application domains.   CASTRA’s vision is to promote the research, innovations and technology developments in the aero&space sector to the benefits of society and  citizens. CASTRA’s mission is to stimulate the public interest to the field of  aero&space technologies and research, and to the activities of the  organizations – members of the cluster; to increase the public awareness about the benefits to all on Earth from developing and applying novel upstream space technologies and their downstream applications serving society.

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Czech Machinery Cluster (Czech Republic)

Czech Machinery Cluster (CMC) is a voluntary association of organizations engaged in engineering and related industry branches. It was founded on 20th March 2003 as an interest group of legal and natural persons. It associates not only engineering companies but also follow-up businesses and firms providing services for engineering industry. Czech Machinery Cluster interconnects big companies with their suppliers, service and logistic businesses and institutions oriented on science, research, marketing, human resources development and tertiary education.

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Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania – LINPRA (Lithuania)

An independent business organisation, representing Lithuanian engineering industry, interests of companies, working in metal, machinery and equipment, electromechanics and electronics, plastics and rubber industry on international and national level.

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European Lightweight Clusters Alliance – ELCA

ELCA (European Lightweight Cluster Alliance) is a collaborative initiative that aims to accelerate the adoption of lightweight materials in strategic industries. Road transport is the initial target but other lightweight-related industrial markets will be targeted as well. The alliance will establish a unique inclusive business framework which enable the main players from established industries and research institutions to explore lightweight-driven market opportunities collaboratively, and facilitate activities to put the lightweight technologies into practice.

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Innovative Strategic Cluster for the Smart Specialization Field of Mechatronics – MECHATREC (Romania)

It is built on the European principles and concepts of “four-leaf clover” structures, bringing together research, industry and local government entities. The present “MECHATREC” cluster actually develops the “Innovative Scientific Cluster – NanoMechatronics” initiated in 2008.

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Metal and Plastic Cluster (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The metal and plastic sectors are the sectors with the greatest potential for growth and employment in BH. The Cluster of Metals and Plastics should serve as a platform for wider cooperation between companies in these sectors. Companies need to ensure sustainable use of market opportunities and strengthen competitiveness. The cluster of metals and plastics helps in eliminating the structural problems of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in order to ensure competitiveness. This applies in particular to research and development, cooperation in the field of production, provision of professional staff, marketing and sales.

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Metal Processing Cluster (Poland)

The Metal Processing Cluster is the largest cluster of the metal and machine industries in Poland. Our mission is effective assistance in the development of the industry and the members of the MPC.
Main development and collaboratin  directions: implementation of joint technological projects connected with the introduction of new products, creation of consortia for the development and implementation of innovations, research and development; actions supporting internationalisation of innovative entrepreneurship and international expansion of the cluster companies; cooperation with clusters and organisations to increase the competencies of employees of the companies and the quality of vocational training of future employees; cooperation in the field of subcontracting services in terms of metalworking;  digitalisation of manufacturing processes, industry 4.0 solutions

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Moravian-Silesian Automotive Cluster (Czech Republic)

Moravian-Silesian Automotive Cluster c.a. (hereinafter referred to as MAK) was established to increase competitiveness and to encourage innovation and export capacity of interconnected companies, entrepreneurs and institutions in the Region. It seeks to build a common identity of companies in the cluster and wants to create confidence and positive attitudes towards the automotive industry and the whole region.

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NextMove (France)

The competitiveness cluster dedicated to the mobility of the future
Located in Normandy and Paris area, NextMove embodies, animates, and promotes the “Mobility Valley”, a European area of excellence where solutions are invented, developed, tested and industrialized to meet the challenges of the mobility of the future. Bringing together the main players in mobility and the automotive industry, NextMove forges links between major groups, SMEs, start-ups, universities, laboratories and territories and supports them in setting up and financing their projects. It is a unique network where sustainable collaborations are built within a rapidly changing ecosystem.

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North Hungarian Automotive Clu ster – NOHAC (Hungary)

NOHAC was founded at the end of 2006 with the participation of three Manager Suppliers, BOKIK, and the Innovation Management Cooperation Research Center of the University of Miskolc.  The goal of the cluster is to improve, by the alliance of the automotive suppliers of the region of North Hungary, their competitiveness, their innovation and profit-making ability and thus to bring its members closer to European car manufacturing and to the partners in the automotive industry.

Most of the members are metal and plastic machining companies, but we also include design offices, certification firms and other services companies. The number of employees employed by the member companies of the cluster exceeds 16,000, their revenue is close to € 2.4 billion and their export sales are over € 1.83 billion. NOHAC is an Accredited Cluster since 2014.

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OMNIPACK First Hungarian Packaging Technology Cluster (Hungary) 

Omnipack was founded in 2003, it’s one of the first Hungarian clusters. Our cluster is vertically structured, members are from the same industry, covering whole of the value chain with complementary products and services. Our cluster is a strategical alliance of companies, working in the similar market segment. The cluster is engaging itself in development of environmentally friendly packaging materials and state-of-the-art packaging technology solutions. We are real advocates of environment friendly packaging materials based on biodegradable biopolymers, their technological development and widespread dissemination. Omnipack Cluster has a European Silver Label Certificatio.

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Lithuaniain Automotive Export Association (Lithuania) 

Lithuanian Automotive Export Association (LAuGEA) is a cross-sectoral business cluster, joining Lithuanian companies related to the automotive industry, and science representatives, founded in 2014. Cooperation of LAuGEA members, through its scientific potential, ensures greater opportunities for product development, testing and marketing in local and foreign markets, as well as more efficient management of corporate costs. LAuGEA members are actively involved in international research and innovation program projects, international exhibitions and business missions, as well as collaborating with various companies, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, research and product development partners, and other institutions of similar activity. Research, development and innovation (R&D&I) activities are carried out by taking advantage of laboratories owned by cluster members and partners.

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Vojvodina Metal Cluster (Serbia) 

Vojvodina Metal Cluster (VMC) business association for improving the competitiveness of the metal sector of Vojvodina / Serbia and the most important association of metalworkers in Serbia.

VMC was founded in Temerin in 2011 by 76 founders (56 are private production companies and 20 are support institutions). Since 2013, the number of our members is 113 (93 companies + 20 institutions), of which: 85.5% are from AP Vojvodina, 7.5% from other parts of the Republic of Serbia and 7% from EU countries (domestic companies with a majority ownership structure originating in the EU). Since then the number of members has grown and today we have over 170 members.

VMC was created as one of the key results of the project of the same name, which was implemented with EU financial support (through the RSEDP2 program. The project was supported by the Government of AP Vojvodina. The cluster was fully connected to the project until the end of the project Cluster networking is the most important strategy for economic development and is successfully implemented in developed countries.The EU has included the development of clusters in its strategic directions of action 2014-2020, but the application of this strategy to countries in transition, such as our country.

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